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All these images are from my book Blooming Women, which may be purchased from me directly. The book is a celebration of women and their lives, illustrated by these images of flowers.

An extravagant bouquet

An extravagant bouquet

About to bloom

About to bloom

Emerging from our shell

Emerging from our shell



Opening our faces to the sun

Opening our faces to the sun

Gloriously feminine

Gloriously feminine

Tall and elegant

Tall and elegant

Round and elegant

Round and elegant

Exotic and elegant

Exotic and elegant

Exotic and elegant #2

Exotic and elegant #2



Showy in red

Showy in red

Looking good from behind

Looking good from behind

Sharp at the center

Sharp at the center

Watching over our sisters

Watching over our sisters

Hiding behind our sisters

Hiding behind our sisters

Different directions

Different directions

Thriving in a difficult environment

Thriving in a difficult environment

Head above water

Head above water

Knotted up

Knotted up

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Book, color, flowers, inspirational, women